
Effectiveness and Ineffectiveness in overall


- Long term solution in comparison to soft beach nourishment.

-Effectively minimizes loss of life in extreme events and damage to property caused by erosion.

-Can exist longer in high energy environments in comparison to ‘soft’ engineering methods.

-Can be used for recreation and sightseeing.

-Forms a hard and strong coastal defence.


-Very expensive to construct.

-Can cause beaches to dissipate rendering them useless for beach goers.

-Scars the very landscape that they are trying to save and provides an ‘eyesore.’

-Reflected energy of waves leading to scour at base.

-Can disrupt natural shoreline processes and destroy shoreline habitats such as wetlands and
intertidal beaches.

-Altered sediment transport processes can disrupt sand movement that can lead to increased erosion down drift from the structure.

